EU laws have been passed regarding General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR is focused on improving the privacy, security and transparency of handling personal data online. You can read more about the GDPR and the specific requirements here:
As some of our customers operate within the EU, we aimed to make it easy for them to comply with the requirements, by providing required functionality in Pet Manager.
GDPR Export
This option can be found in the dropdown next to the Edit button on the Customer view screen.
A GDPR Export will download a PDF with all personal data for the customer, as well as a summary of their booking history. This PDF can then be shared with the customer, allowing them to view the personal data you hold about them.
GDPR Remove
This option appears directly below the GDPR Export in the dropdown next to the Edit button on the Customer view screen.
Performing this action will remove all personally identifiable information about the customer from your database. Customer notes and booking notes will also be wiped, as they may contain personal information. Previous bookings, pet information, invoices and payments will not be removed from the system.
Once a customer has been GDPR removed, it can no longer be edited or used for bookings. It will become inactive. This process can not be reversed.
Consent To Contact
The final GDPR feature is the Consent Contact option. This option appears on the Add/Edit Customer screens, and will be ticked by default for all existing and new customers. Customers created through the Customer Portal also have the ability to set this option.
If this option is not enabled, the system will not allow you to send any emails or SMS to this customer (including automated). A warning will also appear on the Customer and Booking view screens indicating they do not wish to be contacted, and the customer will no longer appear on the Mail List export, and will no longer by synced to MailChimp.
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