From time to time you may have a customer that is trying to login to the Pet Manager Customer Portal however they are getting an "email address already in use" message and can't reset their password.
You may also be trying to change an email on an existing customer and get the error message "This value is already in use"
This is caused by the customer being inactive in the system. Customers can become inactive when you attempt to delete them when they have an existing booking history. In this case it simply makes them inactive so they cannot booking and don't show in the customer database by default.
You may even just be looking to find an inactive customer in the system that was previously deleted etc.
So what steps do you take to resolve this?
Step 1
Go to Customers > Find Customers
Step 2
Open the filter icon in the top-right corner of the page.
Step 3
Change the dropdown that reads "hide inactive" to "only inactive".
This means you will now only be searching across inactive customers.
Step 4
In the search box type the name or email address you are looking for. The matching results will appear.
You can then edit the customer from the view dropdown.
Step 5
You can either
- Remove the email address or change the email address - normally done if this is an old customer record and you want to be able to use this email on the new customer record.
- Mark the customer as active again - normally done where you want to re-instate this customer record so the customer can login and you can make bookings for them.
To make the customer active, simply tick the "Active" checkbox and save
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