There are a number of general customizations you can make to the customer portal. To access these customizations go to Settings > Customer Portal.
Then click on Portal Customization on the left.
There are a number of sections on this page.
- Portal URL - This lets our program know where you have placed the customer portal. This is not required and would normally only have a value if you have used the portal code to embed the customer portal. e.g. if you have embedded the portal on a book now page, then grab the url of that and put it into here. This value is used in emails/sms wherever the placeholder for {portal_link} appears.
Terms & Conditions
- Portal Terms Link - If you require your customers to tick a box before logging in then put the URL of the document you wish them to agree to here. Please note: this is not directly related to the digitally signed terms and conditions in our program. It accepts a sign by mouse or finger on touch screen.
- Portal Customer Terms - This will force your customers to sign the terms and conditions upon entering the customer portal and prior to making any bookings.
- Portal Require Booking Terms - This will force your customers to sign the terms and conditions as part of the booking process.
- Portal Auto Cancel Terms After - The number of minutes to allow the customer to sign the terms and conditions. Used in combination with require booking terms by having a countdown timer to force them to sign. This prevents the situation where a customer adds a booking then closes their browser before signing the terms and conditions.
- Portal Prevent Not Welcome - Customers ticked as Not Welcome on their customer profile will not be able to login to the customer portal with the email address on that profile.
- Portal Prevent Registration - Prevents any new customer from registering an account through the customer portal. Please be aware that with this setting on, all new clients will need to be added manually through the admin system.
- Portal Remember Me - Offers a remember me option on the login screen (where the browser allows it) to remember the email address of the customer logging in.
- Portal Mobile Hide Login Info - Hides the login information panel on mobile so that users can find the login fields easier.
- Portal Require Mobile - Require that customers registering include a mobile number in their profile.
- Portal Require Vet - Require that customers registering include their vet details in their profile.
- Portal Require Emergency Contact - Require that customers registering include their emergency contact details in their profile.
- Portal Lead Source - show options for how the client found you e.g. google, word of mouth etc.
- Portal States - Show States in the customer portal. Usually only turned off for countries where States are really not applicable e.g. New Zealand.
- Portal Icons - Show Icons on the tiles for the various services - boarding, daycare, grooming etc.
- Portal Availability - Allow customers to check availability before or after they have logged in.
Portal Availability Count - Show a count of the number of spaces available for the specific pen type and the date range selected
Portal Location Manual Select - Instead of automatically selecting the default location, the customer will need to select the location every time when checking availability or making bookings. Only applies to Multi-site or Enterprise editions.
Portal Theme Colour - Select or enter the colour that matches the colour scheme of your business. Press the little coloured square to bring up a colour picker.
This affects the colour of the main tiles and buttons in the customer portal.
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