Not only are Vaccination reminders a great way to keep your database up to date, but they can also be a great way to keep in touch with your customers even if they don't have a booking.
Automated Vaccination Reminders
Customers can receive an email an automated email a certain number of days prior to expiry showing the vaccination details held on file at your facility.
You can setup the automated vaccination reminder by going to Settings > Email,SMS & Wordings
There is a setting at the top of the email settings for Email Vaccination Period. This is set to 30 days prior to the vaccination expiring but can be changed if required then saved.
Scroll down to the Pet section of the emails. Then tick Send Automatically next to the Vaccination Reminder email.
With this setting turned on, automatic emails will be sent every day for vaccinations expiring in the number of days selected.
Manual Vaccination Reminders
You can also send a vaccination reminder email manually if you wish to send an additional email or if you do not wish to use automatic emails.
To do this, find and view the relevant pet and go to the vaccinations tab.
From there:
- if the vaccination has an associated file uploaded, you will find the Send Reminder button in the dropdown next to the vaccination.
- if there is no file uploaded then Send Reminder will appear on the button directly.
You will be taken to an email screen with the vaccination reminder email ready to send. You can add your own custom text to the email before sending. Any changes to wording placed in here will not affect the original template.
Editing Vaccination Reminder Template
If you wish to alter the default email template for vaccination reminders you can do that by clicking going to Settings > Email,SMS & Wordings
From there click on Pet Templates at the top. If you don't see Pet Templates then click the More button to reveal the additional menu options and select it from there.
The click edit on the vaccination reminder template.
From here you can edit the wording of the template and press Save to save the changes.
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