Pet vaccinations can be added to existing pets, and the vaccination status will be shown in booking reports, during checkin/checkout and on the booking view.
You can add a new vaccination by going to the Pet view and clicking the Vaccinations tab.
Then, just click the blue Add Vaccination button at the top.
Pet Vaccination Fields
Vaccination Type – the type of vaccination.
- You can add pre-selectable vaccination types in the Settings > Animal & Breeds > Vaccination Types. If the type of "Other" is selected then the customer can type their own description for the vaccination type.
- Vaccination Date – the date the vaccination was administered.
- Renewal Date - the date the vaccination is valid until.
Vet – the vet who administered the vaccination.
- You can add a new vet from the Customers dropdown.
- File – a scanned document of the vaccination certificate.
Archiving Vaccinations
After the renewal date has passed, a vaccination will be marked as expired and must be archived. You can do this by clicking the status icon in the Archived column on the Vaccinations tab.
Alternatively, you can enable the Pet Vaccinations Auto Expire setting in Animal Settings, which will automatically archive expired vaccinations when a new vaccination is added.
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