If your pricing relies on your customers selecting the correct size for their pet, then you may wish to use Animal Size Guide functionality. This allows you to provide a clear description of the various size options that you provide and allow the customer to click on the relevant option.
Turn on Size Guide
Click on the Settings Menu in the top right of the screen, then click on Customer Portal.
Now on the left of the screen click on Portal Settings.
Scroll down the page to find the Portal Size Guide and switch it to ON
The Portal Size Info field if used to provide an initial descriptive message at the top of the size guide with general information.
Animal Size Details
Now we will add more details to the Animal Sizes.
Go to Settings again and click on Animals & Breeds.
Now on the left of the screen click on Animal Sizes.
You can click on the Green Edit button and add descriptions and pictures to each Animal Size, here you can put a written description and a picture regarding what small, medium or large etc means to you.
You can also put in a weight requirement in the size name e.g. Small (<10kg) which the customer will now see in the Customer Portal.
Example description: Small Dogs less than10kg including breeds such as - Pomeranian, Dacshund, Jack Russell, Pug.
Add a picture of a small dog - give them a visual.
The information will then appear in the Customer Portal to help your customer make the right choice.
Customer Portal - Size Guide
When the client clicks on +Add or Edit Pet in their booking request and gets to the section of Size, they are able to click on Show Size Guide where descriptions of each animal size & weight will appear for them to make a better choice.
When customer clicks on Show Size Guide, a new screen will open for them to see your descriptions and pictures.
The customer can also simply click on the description in the Show Size Guide and that will select that size for their pet.
The customer can be better educated on what small, medium, large and x-large means to your business and choose correctly for their booking request.
You can be as detailed and descriptive as you like.
This will help eliminate incorrect booking requests and having to follow up with changes.
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