Pets can be deleted only if they do not have any previous bookings.
To Delete a Pet, first find the pet by searching in the top search bar or through bringing up the customers record.
You can also go to the Customers > Find Pets.
From there search for the pet you wish to delete and press View.
On the Pet view, click the dropdown next to the Edit button and select Delete Pet.
Press Ok in the resulting dialogue box to delete the pet.
Deleted pets cannot be recovered.
Marking a Pet as Inactive
Inactive pets will no longer show on a customer's file and will not be available for booking either through the customer portal or the admin system.
You need to edit the pet from either
The customer record - using the pencil icon.
The pet record - edit button is in the top right
or from the Find Pet screen using the little dropdown next to view
From there, scroll down to the Active checkbox, untick it and Press the green Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Recovering an Inactive Pet
You can find inactive pets by going to Customers > Find Pets.
Then pressing the filter in the top right corner
In the section that opens. Select "Only Inactive".
Then search for the pet you require and click on the edit button next to the view button.
Mark the pet as Active by checking the Active checkbox on the Pet Record and press the green Save button.
The pet should be able to be booked in again now.
You can also get to inactive pets on a customer, by viewing the customer record, going to the pets tab and select Show Inactive.
From there you can edit the pet if required.
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