Pets must be added to an existing customer and are required for adding bookings and extras.
You can add a new pet by opening the Customers dropdown in the top menu and clicking the Add Pet link.
Pet Fields
Customer – the customer the pet belongs to.
- You can add a new customer by clicking the blue plus icon.
- Name – the name of the pet.
- Animal Type – the type of animal.
Animal Breed – the breed of the animal.
- You can add a new breed by clicking the blue plus icon.
- Date of Birth – the date of birth of the pet.
- Animal Sex – the sex of the pet.
Animal Size – the size of the pet.
- You can add additional sizes in the Animal Settings.
Behaviour Traits – behaviour traits the pet possesses.
- You can add additional behaviour traits in the Animal Settings. Behaviour traits can be seen and modified by the customer through the customer portal.
Animal Colour – the colour of the pet.
- You can add a new colour by clicking the blue plus icon.
Tags – custom colourised tags to assign to the pet.
- You can add new tags by clicking the blue plus icon. Note: Tags are not visible to the customer.
- Flea/Tick Prevention – the date the pet last applied flea/tick prevention.
- Worming Treatment – the date the pet last applied worming treatment.
- In Season – the date the pet is “in season”.
- Instagram – the Instagram account of the pet.
- Initial Weight – the current weight of the pet.
- Microchip – the microchip number of the pet.
- Insurance Provider – the insurance provider of the pet.
- Policy Number – the insurance policy number of the pet.
Approved – enable this to automatically approve portal bookings for this pet.
- This requires “Portal Confirm Approved” to be enabled for the area type.
Pet Notes
- General Notes – additional notes related to the pet.
- Dietary Notes – dietary notes related to the pet.
- Medical Notes – medical notes related to the pet.
- Alert – an alert message that will be prominently displayed with the pet and on their bookings.
Pet Custom Fields
You can also add your own custom fields to show in the pet form (including customer portal), by going to Settings > Animals & Breeds > Pet Custom Fields.
Please note: If you make a custom field as required then both you and your customers (if using the customer portal) will need to answer those questions when saving a new pet.
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