When cancelling a booking, you are presented with a field in order to retain a non-refundable amount on cancellation. You would normally enter the amount here to retain and that money will be absorbed as a non-refundable amount. Non-refundable amounts will not be shown as credit on file or be refundable.
If you forget to do this on cancellation then you will need to perform the action manually that it normally does automatically for you.
Basically this process is that you create a new invoice on the booking for the amount credited and then allocate the money in credit against that new invoice.
In this example you might have an amount in credit remaining from the cancellation of $73.71.
Go to the Invoices tab when viewing the booking
Click on Add Adjustment to add an adjustment for the amount you wish to retain (in this case the full $73.71, but you could retain part of the payment and leave some on their account) and provide a description if required then press Save.
Click on Invoice All or Invoice Selected and tick the booking adjustment line item. This will create an invoice for the amount required.
You should now have a credit and an amount owing.
Click the dropdown next to pay and select Allocate Credit when viewing the invoice.
Or select Allocate Credit from the dropdown next to view when on the Invoices tab.
The amount should be correct so just press Save.
The invoice will be marked paid and the credit on file will now be $0 if you retained the full amount.
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