There are dashboards for every different additional area you have configured in your account. As these are each laid out the same, we will only go over the Daycare Dashboard in detail. The functionality that is provided on this dashboard translates to the other areas.
The information below also applies to Training Dashboard, Grooming Dashboard, In Home Dashboard, Walking Dashboard, Dog Park Dashboard and Hydrotherapy Dashboard.
The Daycare Dashboard and Dashboards for other areas are accessible from the Dashboards Menu.
Daycare Dashboard
The Daycare Dashboard provides a single interface for all of your daycare bookings.
There are clickable tiles with some clickable tiles with statistics for recent bookings, a graph of daycare bookings and a table of bookings awaiting checkin.
Clickable Tiles
The clickable tiles provide information as to current Daycare bookings. Each tile is clickable to view full details of the related bookings.
Tiles in this section include:
- Bookings (Today)- Any daycare bookings that have been added today through the admin system or customer portal.
- Bookings (30 Days) - Any daycare bookings that have been added in the past 30 days through the admin system or customer portal.
- Unconfirmed - Daycare bookings in the system that have not been marked as confirmed.
- Uninvoiced - Daycare bookings in the system that have not been invoiced yet.
- In House - Daycare bookings that have been checked in and are current at your facility.
- Checkins - Remaining Daycare Checkins for today
The graph provides a visual representation of new bookings for the 2 weeks surrounding today. You can roll over any data point to view specific information
You will see in the image above - the header includes a button on the right for adding a new daycare booking. There is also a filter button that can be pressed to view additional filters.
In this case, the only filter is a location selector which is only available in the multi-site or enterprise editions of our product.
Checkin list
The table provides information on all of the daycare bookings awaiting checkin. These checkins are all still also available through the combined checkin lists linked from the dashboard and top widgets.
You can search for a particular pet or customer name if required.
You can bulk checkin pets by checking the checkbox on the left of each entry and pressing the "Checkin Selected" button at the top of the screen.
You can also Checkin bookings by pressing the Check In button and View or Edit the booking by pressing the little drop-down arrow to the right of that button.
The list on the screen can be printed, exported to Excel or CSV using the buttons above the tables.
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