The Main Dashboard in Version 3 of Pet Manager provides a complete overview of your tasks for the day. The dashboard is split up into various sections with data relevant to the current day for your facility.
1) In-House, Checkins, Checkouts, Portal
The tiles at the top of the dashboard allow you to view details for your current bookings.
Each of these tiles include the total number for each element.
You can also see a breakdown of number for each area that you have configured for your account. These might include: Boarding, Daycare, Grooming, Training, In-home, Walking, Dog Park, Hydrotherapy. You can rollover the icons to see what area they represent.
You can click on the total to view the details of the in house/checkins/outs or customer portal bookings.
You are also provided with a button with the totals for tomorrow that is clickable to get to the details of tomorrow's checkins/outs etc.
This tile represents the total number of pets in house at the moment. In house means all pets that are checked in for any type of booking.
This total does not include animals that are already checked out for the day.
This tile shows you all the current bookings awaiting or overdue for checkin for all of the areas you have configured in your account. Once a booking is checked in, it moves to the in house tile.
This tile shows you all the current bookings awaiting or overdue for checkout for all of the areas you have configured in your account. Once a booking is checked out, it will no longer show in these tiles.
If you utilise our customer portal functionality then this will display the new bookings that have come in and need to be dealt with by confirming, deleting or marking as hidden.
It will also show the pending changes you need to deal with - this would include information uploaded by your clients including vaccination records, pet images, booking cancellation or change requests and much more. This prevents information being added to the system without your knowledge.
2) Custom Dashboard Stats
These Custom Dashboard Stats provide additional information for your current day.
This includes additional information for various services, notes and extras. Each tile can be clicked to view the full information regarding that tile.
There is also a "configure" button that can be clicked to configure which tiles appear. This configuration is "role" related so if you change it for admins then all admins will see the chosen tiles.
Tiles shown in this area include:
- Medical - Any pet that is in-house and has information in their medical notes field will be included here.
- Diet - Any pet that is in-house and has information in their diet notes field will be included here.
- Alert - Any pet that is in-house and has information in their alert notes field will be included here.
- Taxi Pickup - This is a list of the taxi pickups still to be completed today. The number will update every day after midnight.
- Taxi Dropoff - This is a list of the taxi dropoffs still to be completed today. The number will update every day after midnight.
- Moving Today - If you utilise our "split booking" functionality where you can move a pet between pens during a boarding booking, this tile will show the pets that need to be moved between pens today.
- Uninvoiced Items - This provides a list of all of the invoice line items that have been created but haven't yet been invoiced. Depending on how you invoice, this may show a large number of items but is nothing to worry about.
- Unpaid invoices - This includes all invoices that have already been generated but are not fully paid. Again - if you for example only require payment on checkin/out then this may include a large number of invoices.
- Booking Deposits - If you have a booking deposit requirement setup in your account, then this provides the number of bookings that now have a booking deposit that is overdue.
- Custom Extra Types - Any extra type you have created that has the "show menu" option selected are selectable to be shown as a tile in this section. This could include items such as baths or administration of medication that are added to bookings. Please see the section on extra types for more details on the creation of these extra types.
- Messages Waiting - This is a list of emails/SMS messages that are currently queued up and awaiting sending
- Sales Orders/Purchase Orders, Order Shipments, Order Returns - These tiles are applicable if you are utilising our Retail Addon. They provide information as to orders and purchase orders in the system that have not been completed.
3) Checkins/Checkouts/In House Tables
In this section you can see a list of the pets awaiting checkin/checkout and the pets currently in house.
You can access each of the tables by clicking on the relevant Tab.
Inside each section, you can search for a particular pet by the customer or pet name.
You can also click the little "Plus" icon on the left to open more information about this pet
The button to the right offers additional functionality.
On the Checkin Tab, you can Checkin or click the little dropdown arrow to view or edit the booking.
On the Checkout and In House Tab, you can Checkout or click the little dropdown arrow to view or edit the booking.
Please be aware that pets in the In House tab may not be scheduled for Checkout today but can be checked out early if required. This won't affect the booking dates. You would need to edit the booking to change the dates unless you have the setting for "Update booking dates on Checkin/Checkout" turned on.
4) Daily Notes
Daily notes are useful for passing information required for the day between all staff. They appear on everyone's dashboard.
You can click on the "Set a daily note" to set a note. You can also move between days by clicking the little arrow icons and set a note for a future date.
You can also add a note for a chosen date on the scheduler by clicking the sticky note.
You can also do the same thing on the calendar
5) Today's Checkins
Today's Checkins provides a visual photo list of the pets checking in today. We recommend you take photos for all the pets under your case to make the system more visual. Utilising the customer portal is great for this because new clients will tend to upload an image of their pets when creating a record for their pet.
You can roll over the pet image to see the pet name and click on it to view the booking for that pet.
You can click on the +[number] icon to view all the checkins.
6) Trial Info/Graph
If your system is still in trial mode you will be shown the length of time left on your trial along with a box with details of your account manager. You can book a walkthrough/setup session from here and also ask a question of them at any time.
Once you have subscribed this section instead shows a graph of a two weeks surrounding the current date. This shows the number of checkins and checkouts. Each point can be rolled over to obtain details for that day.
You can still ask a question using the HELP button in the bottom right that appears on every page.
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