Prior to Adding Pet Details be sure you have PRESET your Requirements and Dropbox *Information options by clicking on Settings, then click on Animals & Breeds. On the left you will see Sections to Add the Required Information you wish to view on the Pet Profile.
Adding a Pet & their DETAILS
Simply click on Customers, then click on Add Pet, this will open up a new page for you to record Pet Details.
Start by adding the Customers Name to the +Add Pet Information page. Choose a Customer from the drop box or Add their details by clicking on the BLUE +. This will link the Customer to Pet.
When Searching for a File you can Find it by either Customer Name or Pets Name.
Add the Pets Name in the Name Field.
Select the Animal Type and then Animal Breed from the drop boxes that appear. These are already preset into your System by your Admin. You can also Add more Animal Breed by pressing the BLUE + from here.
Remember to Add the Pets Birthday Details to ensure they receive any Emails/Special Offers on their Birthday. This Email will be sent to the Customer.
Then choose the Animal Sex and Animal Size from the drop boxes. Again, these are already preset into your system by your Admin.
Select the Behaviour Traits, Animal Colour and Tags from the drop boxes that appear. You can also Add more by pressing the BLUE + from here.
Select a Date from the Calendar that appears when you click on Flea/Tick Prevention and In Season. You can also add Notes or Alerts to the Pet Profile for Admin and Staff to see.
You can choose to upload a Picture of the Pet from your Files or Simply click on the BLUE Take Picture button to take a Picture of the Pet from your Device. If you want to Retake the Picture or Remove the Uploaded Picture or Update the Picture for a new one, then click on the RED Remove button.
Enter the Pets Microchip Details, Pet Insurance Provider and Policy Number Details into the spaces provided.
Approved, Active and Deceased. Tick the boxes to show the Pet has been Approved by Admin and Staff, to show that the pet is Active in the System and then tick the Deceased box when the Pet has passed away.
Remember to click on the GREEN Save button.
Adding Notes to the Pet Profile
This will ensure ALL Admin and Staff are aware of any information related to the Pet. You can include General, Medical, Dietary and ALERT notes.
Custom Questions
You can set questions for the Customer to answer, these answers will then be saved to the Pet File.
To Create Questions in this section, click on Settings in the top right of screen, then Animals & Breeds. Now click on Pet Custom Fields down the left of the screen. You can add as many questions as you like by clicking on the BLUE Add Pet Custom Field.
You are able to select different options for how you want the Customers to answer.
Text - this allows the Customer to type a short answer.
Select - this allows the Customer to pick yes/no answers from a select box.
Textarea - this allows Customers to type multiple answers and description.
Remember to click on the GREEN Save button.
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