Email Wording
You can search down the List to Find Titles in that Category. By clicking on the GREEN Edit button on the right, this will open up the Body of the Email. Here you can customize and modify your Email Wording to suit your requirements. You can also attach Documents to the Email from here.
The System has all your Business Details and your Business Logo preloaded to merge your information into the place holder fields. { }
This allows for a Professional Looking Email with all the relevant Information.
You can move these place holder fields { } to fit your wording style throughout the Email Message. You do not have to type over the top of these.
You can insert extra place holders { } if you choose. Simply click on the placeholder you wish to Add to the Message and it will insert it into the sentence.
If you are running Multiple Types of Services eg: Grooming and Daycare, then you can insert Area Begins and Ends. You can also do the same for Location if you have Multiple Locations. It will allow you to have a single Template with Multiple sections of wording.
Always Remember to SAVE any changes you make before Sending.
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