Adding a Customer & their DETAILS
Simply click on Customers, then click on Add Customer, this will open up a new page for you to record Customer Details.
Another way to Add Customer is to click on the + symbol next to Choose a Customer in the Add Boarding Booking page.
This + symbol will open a Cut Down Version which will allow you to Add Basic Customer Details to create a file. You can further Add more details to their File by clicking on the Add Full Customer box in the top of the screen.
Adding 1 or more EMAILS to Customer File
Ensure you always get the Customer Email details as this email is required to Login into Customer portal.
Does the Pet have more than 1 owner? You can add more than 1 Name and Email address to a file. This ensures that both owners will receive email notifications etc.
Adding ALERTS to Customer File
Adding ALERTS allows you and your staff to see important messages regarding the Pet or Owner. These Alerts will appear under the Customers name when you Find Customer, on a Booking or on a Customers open File. The Customer does not see these ALERTS.
Alerts can be minor or major. Alerts can be warnings, cautious behaviour, medical reminders, personality information, anything that is important to you.
Alerts are visible in RED and can be seen under the Customers name.
Alerts will show under the Customer name and the supporting notes for the Alert will appear on the right of the screen when Customer File is open.
Adding Customer Address and CITY/SUBURB
When Adding Customer Address Details you can start typing the Address and then start typing in the CITY/SUBURB which will automatically appear in the list. If you need to Add click on the BLUE + symbol.
You can also look at statistics of Regions and Customers by clicking on Settings, then Customization in the top right of the screen. Continue to scroll down the left of the page and click on States/Regions. This page will show you the number of Suburbs recorded in each Region and the number of Customers in those Suburbs. Great way to keep track for Marketing and Advertising.
Adding Vets Information
Start typing name into search box to find saved Vets. Alternatively, you can click on the BLUE + and Add new Vet details which will add to search list.
Lead Sources & Customer Types
Click on the Search box to select a Lead Source for the Customer. This can a great tool to help track where your Advertising and Marketing is working. Click on Customer Type as this will reflect on particular pricing or packaging you have set for various Customer Types.
Adding Lead Sources & Customer Types
Click on Settings and then Customization in the top right of screen. Now click on Customer Types or Lead Sources down the left of the page which will open up the List of these.
Customer NOT Welcome
If you click on the tick in the box next to Not Welcome, then a Message will appear next to the Customers name and Alert Staff and Admin that this Customer is Not Welcome to Book in for reasons you have set.
The Not Welcome message will appear on the Customer File screen next to their name.
Turning ON PREVENT NOT WELCOME Customers from Using Portal
Click on Settings then Customer Portal in the top right of the screen. Now click on Portal Settings on the left and find Turn ON Portal Prevent Not Welcome. This will prevent you're Not Welcome Customers from being able to Log into the Portal to make any Bookings or Requests.
Adding customised CUSTOMER NOT WELCOME Wording
To further Add specific WORDING to your Not Welcome Message for other Staff and Admin, in the top right screen click on Settings, then click on General. Click on Language on the left side of screen and from there you can set the WORDING. Remember, Customer will not see this Message.
You can also type any extra Messages in ALERTS.
Customer Consent Contact
When Adding Details, clicking on the tick in the box next to Consent Contact will allow you to SEND Customers Emails & SMS. If you decide to leave this box unticked, then the Customer will not receive any Communication.
Customer Active
By clicking on the tick in the box next to Active, this will allow the Customer to appear in all areas when Staff and Admin search for Customers in the Database, it also allows Customers to access the Customer Portal.
Customer Inactive
Not ticking the box will keep the Customer Inactive. You can't make Bookings for that Customer they won't appear in General Customer Searches and the Customer won't be able to Login to the Customer Portal.
It will Create an Inactive message next to the Customers profile name.
Clicking on Customers in the top left of screen, then clicking on Find Customers will only show Active Customers.
To Find Inactive Customers in your search, click on the Icon in the top right corner of the Search Screen. This will allow you to SHOW Inactive Customers, a specific Customer Type or Lead Source or allow you to SHOW Portal Only Customers.
Now all you need to do is click the GREEN Save button in the bottom left of the screen. If you click on the BLACK Back button it will take you back to Search for Customer and not save your typed details on this page.
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