Click on the Settings in the top right of the screen.
Then scroll down and click on Emails, Sms & Wordings
Make sure Email is highlighted in blue on the left of the screen.
Setting Email Sent Period - Here you can set how many Days Prior to Arrival, Departing Stay, Payment Reminder and Vaccination due Reminder Emails for these Items will be Sent. You will also need to click on Send Automatically in those Email types further down the screen.
Email Vaccination Period
This Email allows you to notify your Customer before the Vaccination for their Pet lapse. It will allow you peace of mind and eliminate awkward phone calls and chasing up Vaccination Renewals.
This will ensure continuity between your Brand and your Customer.
Email Invoice Wait Action
You can click on the drop-down box on the right of the screen where you have 3 options:
Send After Invoicing - The system will WAIT and put Booking Request in a queue ready to Send an Email when an Invoice/Quote/Terms is attached.
Send Immediately (Without Invoice) - The system will Send through an Email even without any Invoice/Quote/Terms attached.
Never Send - The system will never Send an Email at all. This Option is rarely used but is there as a safeguard if for any reason you needed to stop ALL Email exchanges.
Emails Waiting to be Sent After Invoicing will appear in Messages Waiting in the top Right of the Screen.
When you click on this Messages Icon it will open a list of Invoices Waiting. Find the Customer then click on their Name or Booking Number to open their File. Then click on Invoices/Quotes.
You can then Find the Invoice for that Booking then by click on the BLUE View button.
When the Invoice is opened, you can click on Email along the top and sent the invoice to the Customer with any supporting Documents Attached.
Emailing Low Tokens Limit
You can Send a Reminder Email to Customers to let them know that their Tokens are getting Low either by percentage or token amount. We recommend 10% or 2 Tokens.
Emails like this can increase your chances of further Package Sales and continuity with Customers.
There are Various Types of Emails you can SEND to your Customers. You can have them set to Automatically SEND with Invoices/Quotes and Terms attached and Documents created by you attached. You can set Payment Requirements for Customer Portal Bookings.
Having these Emails Set to specific Requirements for your Business can help to eliminate wasted hours spent typing up individual Emails to each any every Customer.
Your Business Details are automatically loaded into the { } spaces within the Emails and you can move these around throughout the Email to Customise your Message.
You can also Add extra Wording to the Email Types.
Default Box is Ticked in Emails.
Default Documents will be sent in a PDF.
*Note the Terms sent are a copy or your Terms and Agreement ONLY. It is not the Customer Signed Copy. You will still need to SAVE a signed copy to the Customer File.
If you tick any of the Default options, then the system is going to EXPECT that Default to be Attached.
Attach Documents to support your Email.
Upload Pictures or PDF Documents to Support your Requirements of Stay, let Customers know of Event Days, you could also include Documents with Extra Information to Support a Welcome Pack etc.
These Documents will then appear in the Choose Document(s) List.
To Find particular Documents, simply click on Documents on the Left of the screen. Here you can click on a Document to Download or +Add a New Document.
Welcome Booking
A Welcome Email can be Sent to all Customers X number of Days before their Booking Commences. You can choose to set a Default for this Email and Attach Supporting Documentation.
New Bookings
This booking Email applies to Bookings that you have made through the system from Admin and Staff. It DOES NOT include New Bookings from the Customer Portal, they have their own Email.
Confirmed Bookings
This Email is sent when Online Portal Bookings are Confirmed.
A Booking will come through as Unconfirmed by Default, then when you accept it, a Confirmation Email will generate to Customer.
You have the Option to untick or tick the Unconfirmed box when making a booking for a Customer through the system. This will determine what Email they receive.
To Add an Unconfirmed Booking click on the BLUE Add button in the top Right of the Screen. Then click on the type of Service you want to Add.
Make sure to tick the BLUE Unconfirmed box if you do not wish to Immediately Confirm the Customer Booking.
Changed Booking
If you Edit the Booking in any way, then a Changed Bookings Email will generate.
*Be mindful of having this clicked on Send Automatically as the Customer can receive a lot of these Emails if Staff are frequently making changes to the Calendar and Bookings.
Booking Check-in/Checkout
These Emails will generate when you click on the Check-in or Checkout Button when a Pet arrives and when a Pet departs their day/stay.
Unconfirmed Bookings
This is the Email that will generate when a Booking is Unconfirmed or marked Unconfirmed by Staff.
Cancelled Booking
This Email will generate when a Booking is Cancelled by either the Customer or Staff.
You could Add Documents to support any Cancellation Policies regarding Fees etc.
Booking Deposit
This Email does not have a Send Automatically Option, it is still currently in manual mode.
(We are looking to upgrade this feature soon.) You can manually choose to send an Email from a Booking.
Portal Booking
This Email will be sent to the Customer when they make a Booking through the Customer Portal. You can set it to Send Automatically and set Defaults and attach Documents.
Portal Booking Expired
When you have the Setting ON for Payment Required if you are utilising Stripe in the Customer Portal this Email will send when the Customer has not made payment in that time frame set by you.
It will let them know that their Booking is not complete as they have not yet paid in the allocated time frame therefore their Booking has timed out.
*Sometimes Customers miss the Payment step or can't provide card details and they just assume they are booked in.
To enable your Customer to make Automatic Payment to secure their Online Booking, ensure your Stripe system is Active.
Click on Customer Portal in the top Right of the Screen, then click on Portal Settings on the Left. Scroll down to find the Portal Payment Level.
Set it to Online Payments then set a timer in Portal Auto Cancel Payment After eg: 20 or 30 mins.
The Customer Booking will Expire and Cancel if they have not made Payment in this time.
New Booking Group
This is where you have multiple bookings that go through at once, normally for Daycare. It does not Apply to Portal Bookings; they receive a different Email.
EG: If a Customer wants to book in for every Tuesday into Daycare for the next month, and you put all those booking dates in together they will come in as a Booking Group.
This option is available to avoid sending multiple Booking Emails to one Customer.
Confirmed Booking Group
When you Confirm a Group Booking from the Portal or from the system, the Customer will receive a Confirmation Email.
Unconfirmed Booking Group
When the Customer makes a booking from the Portal or Admin and Staff make an Unconfirmed Booking from the system, this email will send to Customer.
Cancelled Booking Group
An Email will be sent to Customer when the Whole Booking Group is cancelled by either the Customer or Staff. You could Add Documents to support any Cancellation Policies regarding Fees etc.
Portal Booking Group Expired
When a Multi Day Booking has been made through the Customer Portal but Payment has not been received in the allocated time frame, then the Customer will be sent this Email to say the BOOKING has EXPIRED.
This will help prompt the Customer to book again with a Payment.
Portal Booking Group
The Customer will be sent this Email when they have made a Multi Day Booking through the Portal to let them know their Booking Request was Received.
You do need to have the Retail Plug in which is a PAID ADD ON to use this feature.
When you have a Retail System POS you can Send Emails to notify Customers of their New Orders Placed, any Changes to their Orders, Finalized Orders and Cancellation of Orders. You can set to Send Automatically, set Defaults and attach further Documents.
New Order
When you have a New Order for a product. The Customer purchases a product and you put the Order through the POS
Changed Order
This Email will be sent if you make any changes to the Customer Order. Again, be mindful of Admin/Staff changes as the Customer may receive multiple Emails.
Finalized Order
This Email will be sent when the Order is Finalized. The Order has been completed and Picked Up or Shipped.
Cancelled Order
This Email will be sent if for any reason the Order is Cancelled by the Customer or Admin/Staff.
Purchase Order
This Email does not have a Send Automatically Option, it is still currently in manual mode. (We are looking to upgrade this feature soon.) You can manually choose to send an Email from an Order.
Click on Retail in the top Left of Screen, then click on Find Sales Orders to Search for the Customer Order.
Search to Find the Customer name of the Order in the List, then click on the BLUE View button to Open the Customer Order.
From here you can click on the GREEN Edit box in the top Right of the screen to Send Email.
You can choose the WORDING Type, then attach any Invoices or Quotes. Attach any further Documents you require the Customer to have. Then Send.
Pet Vaccination Reminder
This Email can be Set to X number of days prior to the Pet Vaccination expiring. Remember you can set the number of days prior to Send this. If there is nothing on file for that Pet, they will not receive this Email.
These Reminders will minimise the need to chase up or not accept Pets due to Vaccine Expirations.
Customers will appreciate the Reminder.
Pet Birthday
If you have the Pet's Birthday details in their File, you can send the Owner a Happy Birthday message. You could Attach a Birthday Voucher or Birthday Discount Offer or anything you like to show the Customer their Pet is special to your Business.
New Customer
When Admin or Staff create a new Customer through the system, this Email will be Sent. You can Attach relevant Documents.
Portal Login
This Email can be utilised with any Customers you have in a database that you manually Imported or typed in yourself. You can then send them this Email inviting them you Login into the Customer Portal and create a Login and Password for themselves.
You can do this by Clicking on Customer in the top left of the screen, then find Customer and click on the BLUE View button on the Right.
You can then click on the GREEN Edit button in the top Right of the screen and Send Email.
The wording in the Body of the Email will explain to the Customer what they need to do to Login.
You can have your Portal Link which can also be your Website Link attached.
When you run an Invoice, it will Send through this Email to the Customer.
This Email does not have a Send Automatically Option, it is still currently in manual mode. (We are looking to upgrade this feature soon.) You can manually choose to send an Email for a Quotation.
Payment Received
This Email will Send to Customer when you record a Payment against an Invoice. You can set this to Send Automatically a copy of the Invoice and Payment Attached. It will also show any remaining Amount to be paid.
Stripe Payment Received
This Email is usually set to Sent Automatically by Default. It only applies if you are taking Stripe Payments.
Portal Accepted Quote
There is a section in the Customer Portal that asks them to Accept the Quote, when they Accept, this Email will be Sent through to them.
Payment Reminder
This is the Email that you set above to Send to Customer X number of days Prior to their Booking with the Due Date of their Payment.
Tokens Expired
When a Customer has a Package and an Expiry Date has been set for that package, then their Tokens for the Package will also Expire. This Email will be sent to Customers to let them know that along with their Package Expiry, their tokens for that package have also Expired.
This Email may prompt them to Purchase New Packages.
Tokens Low
When the Customers' prepaid Tokens are down to the percentage of Tokens or Number of Low Tokens that was set at the top of the Email Settings screen, then they will receive this Email prompting them to Top Up.
Remember you can Set the Low Token Amount to a Percentage or a Number.
Viewing Email Types
You will Notice Multiple Titles and Categories along the top of the Screen, click on any of the Tabs to View your Various Email Types.
Always Remember to SAVE any changes you make before Sending.
By sending Regular Emails to Customers, it will not only keep your Business Brand and Logo circulating, but it will also allow your Customers to stay on track of their Bookings and Information needed.
This can help to Eliminate unnecessary Phone calls and manually chasing Payments and Reminders.
can help to Eliminate unnecessary Phone calls and manually chasing Payments and Reminders.
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