You can use our Special Dates functionality to perform the following actions:
- Highlight certain dates on the scheduler and date picker (e.g. You want to know about those dates but not necessarily block off)
- Block check in/out of certain dates in the scheduler and date picker (e.g. A public holiday - this won't block a booking that checks in/out on a different date but crosses these dates)
- Block booking of certain dates in the scheduler and date picker (e.g. closed for maintenance - blocks all bookings from crossing this date range).
Click the button below to view a setup guide explainer video on how to enable and utilize date highlighting and blocking.
Managing Special Dates
To manage special dates go to Settings > Seasons/Deposits > Special Dates
From here you are able to add/edit/delete and make active/inactive your special dates.
Please be aware that these special dates do not affect your seasons and/or pricing. You need to add seasons relevant to pricing through the seasons section.
In this section you select the following:
- Name (this will be shown on the schuduler when the date is rolled over - could be something like 'April Maintenance').
- Start Date - the start date for this date range
- End Date - the end date for this date range
- Date Type - currently 'Public Holiday' and 'Maintenance' - contact us if you need other date types.
- Block Bookings - Choices are:
- None - Just highlight the dates on the scheduler - don't block at all
- Block Checkins/Checkouts - Don't allow bookings to checkin/checkout on these dates. Note - this won't affect the existing bookings - it will only block you from adding a booking that checks in/out on the selected dates.
- Block All Bookings - Don't allow bookings that have any date within the range selected. Even if you select a checkin date before the selected dates and checkout after, the booking will not be able to be added.
- Active - Set this date range to active - you can enable and disable the date range as you require. If you want to add a special booking that crosses a blocked range you can disable for a minute, add the booking and then re-enable.
Special Dates on Scheduler
On the scheduler you can see the highlighted, Blocked Checkins/Checkouts and Blocked Bookings by their different highlighted colours.
You will not be able to click on a date that is blocked for bookings or checkin/checkout to commence a new booking.
If you rollover the date that is highlighted, the name of the special date will be shown. You could therefore put something like "Australia Day".
Special Dates on Date Picker
On the Add Booking screen and when you are choosing dates throughout the site such as when adding extras or printing reports, the special dates will be highlighted in the same colours as the scheduler.
On the Add Bookings screen you will not be able to select dates that are blocked for bookings or checkin/checkout. You also cannot select dates that fall either side of a blocked for bookings range.
On the date picker you can't see the name of the special date range, just the colour.
Please note: We are now using a new style date/time picker where you can select the date and time then press the tick to save.
Special Dates on Split Bookings
When adding a split booking, the Special Dates work like the scheduler with the added functionality of not allowing a booking to checkin/checkout on the dates blocked for that and also not allowing a booking that in any way crosses a Block for bookings range.
Special Dates in the Booking Widget (Remote Bookings)
The dates blocked for checkin/checkout and blocked for bookings will affect the booking widget in the same manner. Your customers will not be able to checkin/checkout or book across the special dates you have selected.
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