Extras are additional items added to a booking such as playtime, grooming, administering medication and even Pet Taxi Services.
Extras can be marked off as complete when they are done.
You can also generate Extra Reports showing for example all the playtime booked in for today.
There are two types of extras in Pet Manager - Standard and Booking Linked.
Standard Extras
Standard extras are used where they are applied a single time or multiple times to a booking (but not every single day).
They cover items such as Playtime, Pet Taxi Services, Walking, Grooming etc.
Booking Linked Extras
Booking Linked Extras are a special type of extra that is linked to the dates of a booking. Items that would normally be covered by booking linked would be Administering Medication, Own Food or Special Dietary Requirements.
Booking Linked Extras are charged for every day of a booking. There is a setting as to whether to charge for the checkout day or not.
If the booking dates are changed, then the booking linked extra will be altered to suit automatically. e.g. if you were administering medication at $2 per day and they extended by 2 days, it would add an additional $4.
Read more of this guide to discover how to add, change, cancel, delete and mark extras as complete.
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