Setup Seasons
Booking Deposits are linked to Seasons in Pet Manager. In order to apply a Deposit Requirement you first need your Season Dates setup.
Go to Settings > Seasons to setup your seasons.
Setup New Deposit Requirement
Once the seasons are setup you can start adding deposit requirements to them.
The settings on a new Deposit Requirement are as follows:
Name - This is the name of this Deposit Requirement. The name will appear when making a booking in the right-hand column so you can see what requirement applies.
Active - Turn this Deposit Requirement On or Off
Season - Select the Season that this Deposit Requirement Applies to. You can only select one per Deposit Requirement. If the season you want doesn't appear, please add it as per above instructions. '
Invoice Notes - This is a note that will display on any invoice where this Deposit Requirement applies. The note will appear above the standard invoice notes on invoices.
Deposit % - This is the deposit % to apply
Non-Refundable - If this is turned on the system will attempt to retain a non-refundable deposit if the booking is cancelled.
Set Booking to Unconfirmed - If this is turned on the system will automatically check the 'unconfirmed' checkbox when adding a new booking that crosses a Season with this Deposit Requirement.
Deposit Due in X Days/Due Before or After/Due Date is Based From - Set the number of days before/after Invoice Created, Checkin Date or a Specific Date for when this deposit is required to be paid.
If you choose Specific Date for 'Due Date is Based from', an additional field appears to select a specific date. Select a date using the date picker.
Edit/Delete Deposit Requirement
There is a table at the bottom that allows you to edit existing Deposit Requirements. Click on edit and then scroll up to edit the selected Deposit Requirement. You can also Delete existing Deposit Requirements here.
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