If you wish to utilise the SMS System in Pet Manager, you need to add a few settings before you start sending SMSs. This is a 2 step process.
1) Setup Name or Number to send from
When SMSs go out of Pet Manager to your customers, they are sent from either a name or a phone number. Go to Settings > General and edit the setting for "SMS From".
In this field you can put a name e.g. "AusBestPet" or a number e.g. "0440000000".
Please note: If you wish to use a number here it must be pre-approved and verified. Please contact us with the number you wish to use.
Please remember that you can only enter 11 characters in this field and cannot use spaces between words.
2) Setup Timing, Low Credit Warning and Automation
The remainder of the settings related to SMS can be found in Settings > SMS Settings & Wording (near the bottom of the list on the right hand side).
Low Credit Warning
If you want to send regular SMSs through Pet Manager, it is essential that you have a positive credit balance. In order to maintain this, you can set a low credit warning email at whatever level you wish. An alert email will be sent to your main email address in the system when you reach or go below this credit balance.
If you are sending a lot of SMSs, we recommend setting a higher alert value such as 50 or 100 credits so you have time to purchase another pack.
You will also be sent an alert email when your credits run out entirely. This will happen whether you have a low credit alert or not.
Remember to tick the box next to the low credit warning amount to enable it and press "Save Settings" to save.
Automated SMS Timing
There is another settings for "Send automated sms after this time". What this setting does is selects the earliest time in the day that the automated (checkin/checkout reminders) will send from the system. On the day before a checkin, Pet Manager will wait until this time (your local time) and then send the SMSs out.
The default is 9am. You can select a different time by clicking on the field and choosing from the selector.
Press "Save Settings" to save.
Automated SMSs
There are several checkboxes for Automated SMS sent from Pet Manager. When the checkboxes are ticked and saved, the SMSs will automatically send from the system. The currently available automated SMSs are as follows:
Checkin Reminder - This is sent automatically 1 day prior to the booking checkin date
Checkout Reminder - This is sent automatically 1 day prior to the booking checkout date
New Booking - This is sent automatically when a new booking is added
Changed Booking - This is sent automatically when a booking is edited and saved
Website Booking - This is sent automatically to the customer when they enter a booking through the bookings widget that you can place onto your website.
Tick the options that you wish to send automatically. Remember - you can still manually send any of these SMSs.
Remember to Press "Save Settings" to save any changes you have made to the settings.
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